What brand is this ? 😳😳
I found this brand called GoWipe and they only have 3 Organic ingredients in their wipes! They’re not too expensive either (:
I have the same brand. Ours have only dried out, but they've never turned that color. I think they got brown and crusty from being in my husband's van, but I'm sure that's from heat
@Serena parents choice
This happens from the air. It’s just oxidation that’s causing a color change. Most wipes do this
@Mei I’ve had them dry out a lot too but never mold 😭
@Monét does it usually smell bad ?
@Savanah🌊🌿⛰️ thank you💕
@Monét just because I’ve had them dry out and turn brown but this just smelt nasty😭💕
That’s mould. We use cloth wipes though
Get the quality of the air checked :)! It’s cheap it it may be the air I buy the same brand never happened to me that’s so weird
Maybe they weren't sealed properly from factory or the pack got a hole before they reached you. Otherwise it could mean that your home is contaminated with mold and anything humid would get like this.
Yo I have a warm room and this has never happened,it must of had a hole in it without realising ...🤯
Omg that’s terrifying!! Maybe you should take it back to the store you got it from and explain to them you’ve just opened the package a few days ago and they were fine and now they have all dried out and gone moldy!! What brand are they!!??
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I am so glad you showed this we've been using that brand too! Definitely gonna switch to the one we were using before screw how expensive
Report it to the company in case they need to be recalled for mold.
I agree look elsewhere in your house for mold :( wherever they were stored + under sinks + if you have a basement check there + anywhere generally damp (bathrooms, kitchen where the steam of appliances like dishwasher or coffee pot let out, etc.) Just to be safe!! Hopefully it's just faulty wipes. I've had good luck with Kirkland/costco so far.
Omg I'd contact the company and even tell the store you bought them from. Hope your little one is ok!
@Monét no that’s mold! I’ve had wipes open and dry out and never turned colour.
Use cloth. Wipes are expensive and unnecessary. I only use them for outings.
@Amelia okay lol
@Robyn Olivia parent choice I would take them back but honestly after ripping them all out of the package I don’t think they’ll let me 😭
It’s absolutely disgusting that all the wipes are like that
@Allison I will definitely do this thank you!
@Lav I think I’ll switch to cloth Fs after this 😭💕
I feel like I saw something like this on the news. And it gave a baby a horrible rash because the parents didn’t noticed. I am not sure if it was the same brand.
That looks like they got moldy some how😬😭