I had mine on Monday had some cramping after it then lost a bit of my plug it's been coming away gradually but nothing else 😭 I'm wondering when il know I've lost all of my plug with my first it all came away at once 😑
@Isabelle mine was not exactly painful but pretty uncomfortable. Felt cramping whilst she was performing the sweep which has continued since. Will be worth it if baby arrives !
Also following as I'm planning to get one on Monday! Hope your labour progresses smoothly x
I’ve had two now. One on Friday and one yesterday both developed period pains and cramping and I have also lost my plug. I was 2cm dilated on Friday and 3cm dilated yesterday. Other than that- nothing 🙈
I’ve just had 1 and bump/pelvis feels heavy and achy 🤷🏼♀️
Interest to know how it goes as I’m having a sweep Friday.
I had a sweep done with my last baby,slight bleeding after which is normal,hour or so later when I went for a wee my mucus plug came out and then nothing happened until about 4-5pm the next day and my waters slowly leaked. Ended up being induced due to risk of infection as nothing more happened 🙄x
I’ve been offered one today and told if I want one to book a sweep on Friday with my midwife but unsure atm 😅🤞❤️
I had mine Friday and my daughter was born Friday at 5pm it started off as period cramps but my waters broke during the sweep. I was told to bounce on the birth ball and walk up and down the stairs x
No but I'm booked in for Friday so following this as I'd really like to know what could happen! How did you find the process? Xx