Think im pregnant

Hi guys when did you all get your first positive? I’m 9DPO cycle 23 due on, on the 9th and I’m testing negative. Symptoms - cramping - waves of sickness - tired - sensitive nips ( never get ) … just want to see those two lines! 🥺 if I’m pregnant I’m 3 weeks 1 days
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4 weeks exactly

Had negative at 9 dpo and had positive at 11 dpo didn’t test at 10 dpo😁

I got my first positive at 9DPO tested every day since I'm 3 weeks 6 days

Was positive 10 dpo, i was 3wk exactly

Did you symptoms come and go at 3 weeks?

new here what does dpo stand for? 😬

Days past ovulation 🥰

I've had sore boob's from about 8DPO then nausea started around 10DPO and has remained since

I got my first positive at 3 weeks 6 days (the first day my period was suppose to start)

I didn’t know when I ovulated, but I only had a faint line even when my period was 3 days late

If you don't know when you ovulated, and are getting faint tests maybe you just ovulated really late? Could see if the doctors will give you a blood test to check your hcg levels?

I got mine on 9DPO with the early test :) im currently 12dpo. Which makes me 3 weeks preggo since it’s counted from period. Next period is due this Wednesday. All Test confirms preggo

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