If I'm going somewhere like triage, then yes, I'd bring any notes with me, but day to day no. But I also don't have anything special going on. Low risk healthy pregnancy
I keep my pregnancy book in my handbag at all times just in case it’s needed.
What needs to be in these notes?
I have mine in the car at all times just incase
@Syeda it's your antenatal notes so all the info about you and your pregnancy so far
Mine all on an app and don’t have any paper notes
I carried my pregnancy pack and notes everywhere with me just in case.
I always carried my notes with me from 28 weeks with both babies
@Syeda ...pregnancy notes will tell them everything about you and baby in a matter of minutes
Oooo no I’ve never thought to take them out with me! Maybe I’ll keep mine in my car then xx
Oh thank you! I’ll start making them
I have mine constantly in boot my car, that way if I ever have to go hospital unexpectedly, or have an app, or get called in I know I’ll have them with me. My hospital are very picky about always having them to hand, I acc know my hospital number off by heart now and whenever i ring up they never take a name, they ask me for my hospital number and if I don’t have it coz I don’t have my notes they ask me to go get them 🤣
Mines on an app but I have heard if you have paper notes you should take them everywhere especially as you get closer to the end