@Eva of course! I still have another test at another cardiac centre but my heart rate is too high. PVCs and low ejection fraction. Not trying to scare anyone but just want to share this info so everyone will take good post-partum care. 💙💙
I’m so sorry you had complications! Did you end up with cardiomyopathy then? I had postpartum PreE and after I was discharged I insisted on a cardio consult. The cardiologist helped guide me on weaning off my BP meds and gave me an echo and Holter monitor to make sure I was ok.
Would you be willing to share your symptoms? I've been struggling with high blood pressure ever since having preeclampsia in 2022. I'm on blood pressure meds but I still feel like something is off
Hi everyone! Thanks for your messages. My symptoms were dizziness, heart palpitations and fluttering and I often feel like I’m going to pass out. I was diagnosed with “palpitations with PVCs, lower than ideal ejection fraction and abnormal septal motion” I’m not saying this is for sure due to preeclampsia but I wanted to share in case this helps anyone. I know doctors can seem dismissive. Please PM me if you want to chat. Sending you all love.
Hope you don’t mind me sharing my experience of advocating Had severe preeclampsia in September this year was originally in and out due to PIH on one of my last admissions I argued with a consultant for the steroid shots saying me and my son would not make it to 37 weeks and I needed those shots because my medications weren’t working and I was getting more ill by the day. I was told he’s safer inside 3 days later I’m re-admitted and 4 days after begging for the steroids me and my son nearly died he was born 35+6 weeks all because the consultant thought he knew my health best wouldn’t listen! Since then I’ve had blood clots, migraines, still raised BP and now MDRO in my bladder which is proving difficult to treat I’ve also experienced blackout episodes and severe dizziness where it’s compromising my ability to care for my son thankfully I live with my parents 🫶
@Amy thank you for sharing. I’m so sorry for everything you’re going through. Sending you lots of love.
Thanks for sharing! what are you diagnosed with