26 weeks pregnant

26 weeks pregnant with Twin Girls and I’m starting to panic, I haven’t felt much movement in the last 2 days but I have a scan tomorrow (first Time doing this) do I wait for the scan or go over???
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Go over! Just in case xxx never think you’re silly! I did this a day after a scan, ring them and go straight in ❤️❤️

@Laura Shrimpton thank you so much x

No never just wait for the scan!! If you ever have any concerns about movements, please go in. I had twins also and at 32 weeks had reduced movements, had a scan. Placenta pressure was high, had close monitoring every day. A week later they were delivered. My little girls placenta had given up x

Yeah I’d definitely get checked! I was always worried I’d look silly and a nuisance if everything was fine and it looked like I’d gone for “no reason”, but that’s what they’re there for! Better to be safe xxx

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