What job do you have or think you'd want to go back to? It's completely up to each person and you'll know more when your Baba comes! My little one is 3 and a half now and I transitioned to freelance artist in the evenings. I'm very lucky to and not everyone has that chance to but juggling that and my little boy is very stressful but completely worth it for me to have all this time with him. I think you may miss work and finding yourself outside being a mum through the first year but you'll find your way into it and you'll definitely know! 🥰
I think it depends how your maternity leave goes & how you feel when baby is here 🥰 I worked incredibly hard for my career but absolutely loved maternity leave and being at home with my baby, so decided to quit and become a SAHM. Although I did get out everyday during maternity and still had a lot of adult interaction. However I know people who absolutely couldn’t wait to go back to work & found maternity quite bad for their mental health x
If I could afford to not work I wouldn’t work until my kids were in school, they’re only little for such a short amount of time and I hate missing it with them… however my second born has made me slightly reconsider this and actually I like the adult conversation I get at work
@Sophie I have an office 9-5 and I also coach gymnastics on some evenings... I could definitely keep up the coaching as it's just a few hours but not sure whether I could manage the 9-5! That's amazing you've found a schedule that works for you and your little one & and allows so much time with him, hopefully I can do the same 💗
@Amelia it's hard when you've poured so much effort into a role & as far as the company is concerned they want you to keep striving... I'm glad your best choice was so clear for you 🥰
Everyone is different, after a year of maternity with my first son, I went back part time and will continue to do so as I do enjoy it and not just being a mum.
You have plenty of time to decide you don’t even need to decide till maternity leave is up when your child is 1! My lo is 3 and half months I am lucky enough to be able to take her to work with me as I work in a nursery so she’ll be there till school. However if I didn’t and could afford to stay home ( I definitely couldn’t afford childcare) I would stay with baby and spend all the time I could with them before school. But socialising with adults etc is really important too.