5 month old nap times

Hey guys, Can you please tell me what are the nap times for your five month old and how many naps they are on? I’m not too worried because my baby isn’t too cranky but he’s only have two sleeps per day at home at the moment. I feel like it’s a little early to be having two naps, but my other son did drop to two naps pretty early on as well.
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My baby juuust turned 5mo and just changed to 2-3naps. Sometimes 2 if she sleeps in until 7am.. if she wakes at 5amishh she will sleep an extra nap. Anyway.. naps for the most part are 8/9amish 12/1pmish 4/5pmish. If her noon one is long, she will skip the last nap. Bedtime is between 7/8ish

Mine little boy is almost 6 months some days he will have 1-2 hour in the afternoon and one 15 min nap about 11 am but as of late I’m pushing at 2 naps of 10-20 mins if I’m lucky.

Okay cool - sounds like my boy is doing the same. We are mostly on two naps. Sometimes a 15 min sleep between 4 30 and 5 if we are out in the pram but otherwise it’s two. A morning one around 8 30/ 9 30 for an 1.5 hours then another around 1 or 2 for 45 min

No structure or set times. She sleeps if she is tired. Generally she naps a couple of hours after waking, around 2-3pm and then wants more sleep at 7pm

we get 3 half hour - 1 hour naps in the day! highly recommend reading ‘taking cara babies’ i used that to see wake windows etc! it was really helpful!

Mine is 4.5-5 months and still has a nap after every feed so like 4-5 in the day, he’s been fighting them the past few days but I can see he’s getting tired and irritable and needs to nap! Driving me mad 😂 he’s usually such a chilled baby and super sleeper x

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