Line getting lighter?

Does anybody else think my line is getting lighter? 48 hours difference in these tests (bottom this mornings). I had a bleed last week that lasted 4 days and I have convinced myself that I had a MC. I know I’m still testing positive which is great but I think it’s fading. My partner thinks they look the same.
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Unfortunately I think it’s getting lighter, were the tests taken at the same time on different days? Xx

@Maddie yes both first morning wee. I have a scan in two days to see what’s going on but I agree I think it’s getting lighter which I expected x

I’m very sorry, please feel free to message me. I had a miscarriage in May this year xx

I had this when I was pregnant with my little girl but the next day it was darker again. Hopefully this happens to you! 🤞🏻

This happened too me with my daughter I’m now 22 weeks pregnant

Only thing I’d say on that is if you want to compare tests do them by pictures in the same lighting. The reason is that tests will continue to get darker past the 5/10 minute timeframe so although that top one is two days ago it’s not fully accurate if that makes sense. You could only compare the lines within the window. Hopefully all is ok 🤞🏼 x

I’m sorry :( looks lighter and if it wasn’t then maybe it would be atleast a little darker in 48 hours.

Thank you everyone. I just have to wait for my scan Thursday but I am fearing the worst

Please update us

That’s great it’s darker! Good luck tomorrow 🤞🏼 I’ve got my scan on Friday for the same thing so got everything crossed we’re both having healthy babies x

@Samantha I really hope so for the both of us! 💕💕

Hey everyone, I had my scan today. Unfortunately they couldn’t see any signs of a pregnancy in my uterus. They could see something outside of my uterus that they think is a fibroid but due to the positive pregnancy tests, they have taken my bloods in case it is an ectopic. Heartbroken as was hoping this baby would be my rainbow after a chemical in April, but it wasn’t to be.

I’m so sorry you’re going through that lovely 😔 sending you all the love ❤️

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