Experience using castor oil

I’m approaching my due date and getting anxious for baby to come! The doctor wants to induce but is willing to let me wait until 42 weeks if need be. I feel like I’ve tried every natural labor induction method out there, except for castor oil. If you’ve tried it, I’d love to know your experience- the good and the bad!
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I'd like to know what you've already tried to induce ur labor I'm currently 39weeks n do not want to be induced.. I'm suppose to be due next week Wednesday but idk if he's coming 😥 I keep hearing everybody say eat prunes, drink raspberry tea, start breast pumping I havent tried anything but raspberry tea

I wouldn't use castor oil that's can be quite dangerous for some ,if you wanna self induced try to have sex and make sure sperm is present it can helps soften the cervix for labour 💕

@TayTay🤰🏾 have you tried sex? That can help soften the cervix..

I tried castor oil 9 months postpartum because I was constipated and I felt horribly sick and lifeless for more than 12 hours. I missed a full day of work, I was just having diarrhoea and no energy to move. I can't imagine going to labour feeling horrible so I wouldn't recommend. Try rasperrry leaf tea 5 times a day, dates all day and good old hip moving .

I have heard nothing but horror stories with castor oil, I wouldn’t unless your doctor says it’s safe. It can cause some serious GI issues and a gf of mine used it and it just made her extremely sick, did not help with labor, if you take the wrong amount - dangerous. Have you done evening primrose oil vaginally?

Please do not use castor oil. Besides it just making you shit yourself silly, it can increase the risk of baby swallowing meconium, which in turn could result in a c section. For natural induction, eat 6 dates a day, red raspberry leaf tea, curb walk ALOT, have sex, etc. I know this stage is tough, but induction, natural or otherwise, before your body is ready can increase the likelihood of you needing unpleasant interventions. Let your body do its thing.

I used castor oil , I was 38 weeks and my water broke with no contractions.I planned a home birth so there was no way I was going to a hospital. My midwife suggested it but made me suuuper nervous. We waited 24hrs for contractions and nothing ! So we went for it, she was specific about it. it is a total of 4oz of castor oil. 2oz initially, 1oz at 1hr. and 1oz at 2 hrs. I put in a blender with chocolate milk and chugged it.

Contractions started 3hrs after my last dose , I was also using my breast pump 15min on each side to help speed things up. My contractions were less than a minute apart right away 😵‍💫😅 labored for 10hrs total , pushed for 3hrs. My baby came out healthy. I know people get nervous about the baby pooping in you, but that can happen without castor oil. I’m really happy I got to have him at home I know the hospital would have wanted to induce me and go against my whole bit to plan.

It worked for me 3/5 times!

I wouldn’t try Castro oil. I had contractions after drinking it, but It pushed my water to break at only 2cm dilated. Once my water broke, my contractions completely stopped. I don’t recommend.

Castor oil is a laxative and can cause complications with the labor, it's not a way to induce and most doctors will tell you to stay far away as it affects your baby as well as you.

I used it under the care of my midwives. My water broke without contractions at 41 + 4. If they didn't start I would have had to go to the hospital to be induced and I wanted a birth center birth. I took their recommended dose and had my baby 14 hours later. Pushed for 22 minutes. It was great to be honest. It does clean you out but labor does that sometimes too. I think all inductions come with risks and I felt a hospital medical induction was a much bigger risk. I would advise to discuss castor oil with your provider. If he'll let you go to 42 weeks I'd just wait it out until 41 + 5 if you hadnt had your baby. You're very likely to have your baby by then though.

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