Dinner with the in-laws

So just got back from dinner with mil sil and fil. Everything was going well until mil started talking about kayaking to which I responded with I live doing that, she then stated very rudely and sarcastically "well if you could trust me enough to watch the baby for a few hours maybe you and your fiance can go." I was absolutely livid because she knows why I don't trust her and why I'm not comfortable around her and she's yet to have an adult discussion about it with me to try and start mending things, mind you I've know this woman for a year and a half now and she acted completely differently to me during my pregnancy as to when my son arrived. But anywho I spoke with my fiance about what she said and how it was said and my feelings, and he didn't seem to care. Like this woman doesn't make any plans to come see my son. And then complains about how she never gets to see him. But yet she only makes these comments when there's a crowd around, like oh I wanna go shopping with you or come see the baby sometime to which I always respond with ok well let me know when you want to or when you're doing something I'd love to join, I don't like the woman but that doesn't mean if she's actively trying to be a part of our lives I'm gonna ignore her or not actively make plans. It's driving me nuts. And I'm finding it very difficult to choke down what I've got to say about it
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She sounds very passive aggressive ugh I hate mil who act like that coming from someone who dealt with one like that It sounds like she wants everything her way or she’s gonna bitch about it and be passive aggressive luckily my bd finally addressed her on the way she’s been acting after he started seeing how she would always take jabs at me and being passive aggressive but nice at the same time like weird and she finally knocked it off after she was caught talking smack and it got around to me and finally she apologized to me and we’ve been really good ever since she’s finally calmed down and we’re in a better place but I feel like yoir man should definitely adress his mother on her attitude and put her in her place about being passive aggressive and taking jabs at you like everything is your fault because that’s not right i suggest you guys stay away and when she finally reaches out why you guys haven’t came around that’s when your man should step & create boundaries about respect

@Juliee problem is he can't see any of that even when I point it out his answer is always well thats just how she is, or she was joking. I've dealt enough with oh I was just kidding all throughout middle school and HS, and it really messed me up and it's really driving a wedge between me and my man and it like he doesn't even notice

That’s exactly how my partner was but I always told him very seriously that im not crazy and im not being sensitive and to not invalidate the way i feel because your not taking it serious it should matter to you because its bothering me as your partner as your wife i don’t appreciate the things she is doing and i don’t appreciate you not having my back either and if it bothers me no matter how big or small it should bother you period would you like it if my family treated you like that? No ? So why are you allowing her to treat me like that this is my boundary and I don’t like it if you want me and your mom to have a good relationship you better start being a man and being my husband who protects MY PEACE IN ANY SITUATION and start putting her in her place that she will no disrespect me and if she tries she’s gotta go thru you first! You are the man and protector of our family so PROTECT IT !

And then last thing I said was & if you can’t do soemthing so simple and easy Your not gonna like it when I start having a mouth to protect my self and it’ll be your fault because I told you and I warned you that’s your mom I don’t need to tell that women anything but if you don’t start having my back from here on out she’s gonna learn the hard way I’m either a blessing or a curse you pick which one you want from me.

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