Maybe the sure start grant? But other than that, unfortunately not. I left my job in March at 5 months pregnant and applied for MA as soon as I could, but we lived on one income until last month because UC gave me nothing since I live with my partner and then MA would take money off me at some point since it gets backdated. 😫😫😫
@Stephanie I can’t even claim the sure start because I’m on no other benefits to claim it 😭
@Naomi I was the same. I was eligible before I moved in with my partner.. I was told to "leave him on paper" and claim but was I fuck moving into temp. accomodation and going through all of that hullaballoo for a small bit of money hahahaha
@Stephanie I’m a single mum and live with my parents whilst waiting on the council so werent sure If that meant I could claim something until my MA came in
You should be able to claim universal credit and even still get some when your MA comes in if you’re a single parent although until the baby is actually born you likely won’t actually get very much but it’s worth a try. Then they’ll adjust accordingly when your baby is born and when you get your MA
I think you can but ask your midwife she can actually apply for things for you makes life a lot easier deffo bring it up to them they’re always very willing to help