Kita advice

Can I ask you guys for kita advice? We are thinking of sending our 9-month old LO to kita for a few days (or more) a week. We are trying to choose and are so far considering Tandem Zollikon (bilingual, private, more pricey, ratio of 1:2 adult to babies, very clean, more structured “curriculum” based system - even for babies! - but a longer way away from us - 10min drive or 30mins public transport 😵‍💫) and a local kita called Chinderhuus Zumikon (cheaper, public, 3:1 adult baby ratio, all swiss german, super close to where we live - 10min walk- more “playgroup” oriented approach). Do you have any tips or thoughts? What is important when choosing a kita? Or do you just go by the vibe the place gives you? Thanks all for any tips, advice or suggestions.
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It’s depends on how old your LO if baby is older than 2 they need less attention I would choose the nearer which is easier to drops and pick up.

Sorry I should have added that she is 9 months old

we have a daughter (2,5 years) who has been going to kita since she was 6 months old and now also a 2 month old son. our first kita was super close (public, swiss german) and then we moved and decided to try a private kita which is further away (45mins door to door) and are now moving again and decided to put them both starting january in a public kita in our street. i commute to ZH twice a week and in HO sometimes also work til 18h so commute+long hours+ long way to kita have been killing us. our kids are being raised with 4 mother tongues. the private kita is in my opinion not rly worth it cuz i don’t see a clear benefit. the kids play with each other from a certain age and i just think it’s a rip off , kinda guilt tripping the parents into more expensive kitas like with every other unnecessary thing they make money off (like a baby carrier for 700CHF). as a first time mom i totally fell for those tricks but now the second time around i trust my intuition more and prefer to invest

that money on an account, rather than overpay for a kita which is already actually quite expensive (3k for 5 days here in Bern just for the public one). that all being said i think u should listen to ur gut feeling and just try to one that appeals to you more. you can also change , and the kids at this early age won’t even remember or be extremely bothered by the change. good luck!

Thanks Ana-Marija that is immensely helpful 🙏🏼

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