Am I pregnant?

I took 5 tests. 2 were positive and the last 3 were negative. Could my urine have been too diluted? If I was pregnant then I would be around 2 or 5 weeks
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Depends on your cycle (when was first day of your last period?) Depends on the test. When it was taken, etc. You would have to be 3.5 or above. You can’t find out when you are 2 weeks because when you are “2 weeks” you technically aren’t pregnant yet as it’s all based on first day of last period.

@Amie first day of my last period was 6/10. The first test was taken around 2:30 this afternoon, about 3 hours ago. The second and third test was taken within 30 minutes of the first test

Based on your period you would be 4w2d. Yes, the last 2 were probably done with diluted urine meaning it couldn’t pick up HCG. It’s still early to pick up. I would test again with your first pee of tomorrow when you wake up- that’s when it’s strongest

@Amie i just updated with a picture

Yeah I would test in the morning. Or if you want a better result, the next morning will be best

Test again tomorrow 1st thing in the morning. This pee will have the most hcg and will give you the most accurate reading

I can still see mines on those top 2....

I agree your wee was just too diluted after those two tests a can definitely see lines on ,it's better to take one in the morning with first pee of the day or second wee but after that it becomes really hard to see ...I'd be testing every two days! x

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