Foods when pregnant

Im almost 8 weeks now. I am driving myself crazy with what I can and can not eat. Can I eat chicken off a deli (ireland) some people say yes and others no. I worry about everything I pick up and Google. What are foods I need to be 100% clear from other then anything with raw eggs, raw meats and soft serve ice cream.
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Pretty much anything raw or unpasteurized. Some people stay clear of deli meats because if it’s not fresh will contain bacteria some stay away from any fast foods to prevent food poisoning. I’ve never heard of the soft serve ice cream one. Oh also fresh veggies always have to be washed so some stay clear of those when eating somewhere just in case they weren’t. A lot is just precaution but if you trust where you’re eating I wouldn’t worry too much. Just like I said the main nothing raw like sushi or rare steak and stuff thats not pasteurized because the bacteria that’s in it the baby can’t process like we usually can not pregnant

Thank you, I get so paranoid with everything I eat but I think it's down to all my losses and now this little one seems to be sticking around that I want to make sure i do everything right

I’ve been feeling the same way and overly stressed about foods. Gennie is right that most of it is just precaution. I have stayed away from precut fruit, prepackaged lettuces/greens, deli meat, and soft serve ice cream just because of the listeria risk. The US has already had 2 major listeria outbreaks this year. 1 with ice cream products and one with deli meats so I’ve just decided to be super cautious. After 2 losses I just want this one to make it with the best odds 🫠 some would prob say I’m over the top with it but pregnancy after loss is a wild ride. And it’s only 9 months of giving things up for a life time with our little one so just feels worth it to me

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