Makes it feel more normal. Thank you for the reply. I'm going to try and give more calorie dense foods through the day now he's walking. I don't think a pouch for lunch is filling enough. Hopefully it helps. That's so interesting! Thank you.
I am also in the same boat 🥴 considering getting a sleep consultant to help because we’ve tried everything, more food, adjusted naps etc. I guess it’s just an age thing looking at the comments! Killer though 😩😩😩😩
@N we had a new tooth pop up..honestly feels like a new tooth every two weeks at this age 😫
Omg. You are living my life. He was sleeping through the night. Now he fusses in his cot, last night he had a bottle at 7pm for bed, then 11pm then 5:30am. Struggles to settle in his cot. Same thing aswell, he’s getting better at walking and is trying to drop a nap. I spoke to a trainer at his baby group and they said it’s becasue babies and infant process everything through sleep xxx