Our LO was *very* attached to her bottles and to transition her off we switched her bedtime bottle of milk for water (gradually diluting milk until all water), then one night switched the bottle for a sippy cup (I’m linking the ones that worked best for us at bedtime below). Switch was totally fine and uneventful! Then we moved it earlier in her bedtime routine and ultimately stopped giving it to her unless she specifically asked. Now she only goes to bed with it on a rare occasion when she’s having a tough time. https://amzn.to/4bDR7Uz
We swapped to these to get our boys off the bottle nipple for bedtime milk https://www.amazon.com/NUK-Learner-Cup-Pack-Months/dp/B0BP9MSQ1F/ref=pd_aw_ci_mcx_pspc_dp_m_m_t_8?pd_rd_w=R1MXr&content-id=amzn1.sym.3869eb7a-5438-4a69-8ce0-4eaaf4cfaf5e&pf_rd_p=3869eb7a-5438-4a69-8ce0-4eaaf4cfaf5e&pf_rd_r=J5Z5NGN99WVZVTDWNA6S&pd_rd_wg=yhdok&pd_rd_r=4a43d5c1-4e3f-4284-8c32-67035a6a882c&pd_rd_i=B09DN4R8RB&th=1&psc=1
https://a.co/d/00jFVRlk I use these for my son. I swear by them!