Crying Baby - I Need Help!!

My little girl will be 6 weeks on Saturday and she's cried every waking moment from 3 days old. The worst tends to start around 4pm and she can be crying for 10+ hours. We've seen the health visitor and GP multiple times but they aren't concerned because she's gaining weight. We've also tried EVERYTHING!!!!! Changed milk - Comfort, anti-reflux, lactose free - None of them help. Infacol, Dentinox, Gripe Water, Gaviscon - None of them help. Was using Mam bottles but changed to Dr Brown - Still hasn't helped!! I've also seen the term 'purple crying' so had used tipes to calm her down like giving a bath, taking to a dimly lit quiet room, white noise, going for a walk/drive. Nothing seems to work though. Has anybody experienced this? If yes, what did you do?
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is she gassy u think ?? try giving hypoallergenic formula and or take out dairy if u are breastfeeding for any formula for it to work and see the results u need at least 2 weeks !! after every switch ur baby will be fussy cause they are their gut is adjusting to it so when u switch the formula us should wait to see the results dont switch too many formulas if u are suspecting something see the Ped GI mine was fussy and gassy always straining grunting and crying after every feed everybody was telling me he was fine !! no he was not ! turns out he has cows milk protein allergy go with ur gut feeling ! babies do not cry without reason anyway at least after 6-7 weeks you should spot the light at the end of the tunnel Good luck momma !

If she is that young, she probably wants milk and her mum all the time. These are possible reasons for continuing crying then. My 4.5 month old has been doing something similar since birth. He starts crying every few seconds, even though it usually isn't very loud crying, unless you leave him for long without responding. We realised that he is doing this because his nose is stuffed all the time. We will take him to the chiropractor for adjustment of head and sinuses. We tried different doctors and they didn't help either. We just received medical gaslighting, which is very common. If she cries, she cries for a reason. Also, contrary to popular belief, babies don't have a "degree in human manipulation" and, since they have no pre-experience in acting or aren't usually born with an acting talent, they would definitely be unable of pretending so efficiently that they are suffering. If she looks like suffering, she suffers and you need to figure out why. Good luck.

- osteopath - check for tongue tie - CMPA milk (prescription) - get GP to check ears for infection

She is most likely colicky .. Try walking her around outsde in a baby carrier to get fresh air and try warm baths by evening 5 or 6 and putting to sleep by 7 with a warm bottle and by 10 she will probably want to eat again make sure she is burping and getting 3-4 oz no less as she is growing and will require more and continue to put on white noise while shes falling asleep to get use too it. Hang in there my son is 3 weeks and i feel the same exact way and try night time gripe water around 5 right before bath time and a gpod swaddle helps can but them at walmart. And sometimes its because they are too warm make sure its cool and baby os still coverd

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