Pp sex

I am currently 2 weeks 2 days PP. I had my son via C-Section. My incision is healed and I have very light bleeding. Do I really have to wait the 6 weeks? I am dying to be intimate with my husband. He is super patient, but I am not. We have done an*l and I have given him head but I just need that intimacy back.
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I wouldn’t risk it. You have a huge wound inside your body that can get infected. I would continue to try and find intimacy in other way other than penetration for now.

Yes you have to wait. The biggest wound is internal, not external. The risk of infection is huge, let your body heal

Sex was and still is painful for me post c section at 8 months post partum. I don’t think your incision is considered healed until your appointment at 6 weeks though.

Yes you do. Regardless of the method of birth, your cervix is still open and soft relative to where it usually is, and there is essentially a wound from your placenta. Having sex (or baths from what I was told) before the 6 week mark increases the risk of infection.

Yes you should wait. I understand you’d like intimacy back, but it’s a huge risk and not worth it.

Thank you everyone who responded! We will wait to ensure my safety. Does anyone know if I am able to have an orgasm via clitoral stimulation?

I have no idea on whether it’s safe or not, but orgasms cause your uterus to contract so I imagine it’d be painful tbh! And with having a c section and having stitches in it I feel like it’d be better not to x

My ob told me aslong as i was comfortable i could

Please wait. The risk of infection and possible hemorrhage isn’t worth it! You may *think* you are healed, but you have a dinner plate sized wound and your cervix is not fully closed yet.

@Sydney is this for orgasm or sex?

I did after 2 weeks post csection and I was fine I also healed really fast from my csection x


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