Normal behavior or should I seek help?

I don't know what to do with my toddler. He is so defiant. He throws fits whenever we are in public. He screams all the time (seems like to get attention even though it is negative attention) but I tell him to stop screaming literally 500 times a day ( not exaggerating) I'm at such a loss. I feel like I am failing as a mom because all I seem to do is fuss at him. I tell him to stop doing something and he does it immediately while looking at me. I don't know what to do!!!!! The fits are so bad in public.
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Is it only in public spaces

He has a fit at home maybe once or twice a week but not like the ones out in public. The screaming is all day everyday no matter where we are.

You can talk to his doctor about seeing a behavioral specialist or a neurologist. You never know, so there is nothing wrong with just making sure he’s not on the spectrum. Other than that it could be terrible 2 or him being a threenager. My daughter was super bad with the tantrum all last year and a bit of the beginning of the year but I sat her down and showed her breathing techniques for when she upset. She’s doing a lot better. She use to try to hurt herself through stomping. She was hurting her ankle pretty bad. Now she remembers to breathe and take a minute and then explain why she’s upset.

That sounds hard for sure! You’re not failing ! I would be concerned too. I’ve been concerned with how defiant my little one is with at home and trying to get him to sit in the car seat or obey anything I ask and his first reaction is to not want to obey. It’s so hard.

I reassure her by listening and coming up with ways to make us both happy. You’ll have to keep reminding him in the beginning to breathe but before you know it, slowly but surely it get better. Also I say spectrum because of my experience with my 7yr. He’s not one to through tantrums but there is always small and big signs that a child maybe on the spectrum.

Also you’re not failing as a mom. He’s a little learning and adjusting to world and a lot of things you already know, like working through you emotions, he hasn’t learned yet. You have to learn what’s good and works for you and your little one. You got this!!!

At home do you offer him choices like two choices when it’s time for him to do something like get his shoes on and let him help in little ways like dusting or other little chores? Do you also let him know what to do to redirect more often then (no) or what not to do? I ask because autonomy is big on the toddler age and lack of communication causes more frustration. Of course these things only help minimize the power struggles but tantrums will still happen. I know it’s hard. My daughter is a screamer as well and recently just had a massive tantrum in public when I was trying to get her in her car seat. She has tantrums at home and public equally but she screams more in public 😂 Maybe your son feels overwhelmed in public settings? My pediatrician said children all have different temperaments and ways of expressing tantrums. You could still talk to pediatrician for professional advice. Sometimes even vitamin/mineral deficiencies can contribute to behavioral struggles.

Also if you’ve had a major life change at all that could contribute, even adjusting to a new sibling, move or so on can contribute to more tantrums.

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