Night sweats

Anyone else wake up drenched in sweat at night? I read online that it has to do with hormone levels changing... I wonder how long it is going to take to settle because I can't just change my sheets daily 😅
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I did, It felt horrible. I posted on here about it, as I forgot this was a thing. I don't remember sweating this much with my first. A lot of ladies suggested sleeping on a towel. This definitely helped. It stopped by week 2.

Mine didn't stop until week 4 but got less frequent.

Hiya am the same and my little girl is 4 weeks today! I also don’t remember this with my first little one! X

Yes!! My LO is 3 1/2 weeks and it seems to have finally stopped!

I have been like this during the day! I don't remember it with my 1st, but I had bad hot flushes whilst pregnant this time round and they seem to have continued post pregnancy. My LO is 2 1/2 weeks, and it's not as often now x

Yes I get this however some of it is milk. So I make sure to wear breast pads in bed now always and first 2 weeks pp I had a towel down too


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