3 yr old suddenly stuttering?

My LO (turned 3 in May) the last week has started stuttering when she’s telling us something she’s excited about with longer sentences. I’ve read this is likely developmental and possibly related to a language explosion/her brain acts faster than her mouth can move. She knows when she’s doing it because she will sometimes cover her mouth. I’m just trying not to bring attention to it and give her the time she needs. Anyone else experience this or have tips? I do know if it lasts 6 months to seek help with a SLP.
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My son doesn’t fully stutter but he definitely gets tongue tied when he’s talking 😅

So it's always worth getting checked out if you're anxious, but my kid did this and still does when emotionally stressed or over excited and the doctor said it was language explosion/completely age appropriate so I hope that's what you see too

My friends kid went through this and it lasted a month or two. I would wait and see, it’s most likely a developmental thing

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