Birth photography

I’m from the US where this is quite normal, but I was curious what the opinion was over here on birth photography? Did you, or would you hire one? Do you wish you had? I think the day you give birth is one of the most important days of your life, and it’s often a day that is blurry and difficult to remember afterwards. Having images to look back on that remind you of the strength and love it took to bring your child into the world is amazing, however I don’t know if Brits are a bit more closed off to this? What do you think?
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It doesn’t appeal to me at all! I was at my most vulnerable when in labour, I didn’t want anyone there but my partner and the midwife - it would have intruded on a private experience. And I’m sure I looked utterly dreadful! Personally I’m happy to just have the photos of us all afterwards.

@Sophie totally understand that, thanks for your response ❤️

You do you honey, I think wherever you go it’s going to be diverse in opinions. If you want the snaps, get the snaps girl! 💜

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