Periods on Evorel and Utrogestan

Are you meant to have periods on this HRT? I haven't had any so wondered what others are like on this regime. Thanks.
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I went on HRT March last year / had one period in November and nothing since GP was not concerned

Some do, some don't 🙂

@Sharon Do I count the days then as if I have no periods past 365 days does that mean I am menopausal?

No, once you've started HRT, it doesn't really make much difference 'whereabouts' you are 🙂 If you *really* wanted to know then you'd need to stop all hormonal treatment and get tests, and I'm guessing that isn't on the cards 🙂 I haven't had periods for donkeys years since my 30s, but I wasn't menopausal I was using a Mirena coil, so there were no periods. It can be a similar kind of thing with HRT... Once you've been on cyclical HRT for a year or so, many prescribers switch to continuous progesterone. This is better for endometrial health. However, it can prove to be a bit soon for some, and bleeds may start again. It's a very individual thing and is something that needs to be discussed with your prescriber when you get to that point 🙂❤️

@Sharon I was on cyclical HRT for 14 months and then put on Conti which did not really suit me as I was having bleeds every two weeks. Went back on this regime ( slightly different) - jury Still out due to migraines but its early days.

@Clare (can't see waves) - yerp, that can be the case when switching. Fingers crossed that it settles down for you quickly 🙂❤️

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