Hcg gone?

With this test, would you say my HCG levels are back to zero? Friday the 5th my number was 164.. Monday the 8th I was at 56. I don’t want to pay for bloodwork to confirm it’s back to zero.. but assuming it would be since it’s been a whole week already. I want to make sure it’s truly negative before we start trying again and wind up with a false positive.
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First off, I’m so sorry for your loss 💕 After a loss, my OB has me do blood work every other day until it’s at zero before trying again . It’s hard to know since tests need more HCG to show positive, but you could still be above a 5 which is considered pregnant. You could maybe see if a blood test is an option for you so you can confirm before trying again.

@Ali thank you 🫶🏻 And good point. I won’t have insurance til August 1st, so I’d have to pay out of pocket for another blood test and do it on my own

@Nicole darn, I’m sorry. Do you do ovulation testing. I feel like if the pregnancy tests are negative for some time and you start ovulating you are in the clear!

@Ali I need to order more. I had given them to a friend like a week before I miscarried 😕 didn’t think I’d need them again before they expired. Figures. But that’s a good idea! I almost don’t want to stress and test for ovulation again.. but I’d also like to know. My cycle’s already irregular right now.. so I have no idea when I should be expecting my period anyways. We’re almost at 2 months since my last one.. and I’m 2 weeks since I miscarried. (feels longer)

@Nicole you can also wait until you get your period to start trying again. When I had my chemical pregnancies I started right away. I wanted to with my miscarriage, but my doctor had me wait for testing with that one. So I totally get it if you want to start trying asap and not wait for a period.

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