Big breech baby?

Hi, has anyone had experience with breech baby that is big please? Baby measuring on the 96th percentile so have been offered ECV (at 37+4) with induction then at 39 (if it didn’t happen before that) or straight to elective c section at 39. Im currently 36+3. I know growth scans can be incorrect but she’s always measured over and have had scans every 3 weeks. Have read the info on the options (and know noone can decide for me) but struggling to make a decision so be good to hear some experiences!
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How far along are you?

Missed out that crucial bit of information 😂 I’m 36+3! and my last scan was a few hours ago

I had an ECV, and the baby didn’t turn. And he was born via c-section. I learned that ECV could be dangerous, so if I had to choose again, I wouldn’t do it. Also, it is so painful.

My baby measured 98 percent the whole time. At 36 weeks they told me she was already 9 pounds and she was only 8.5 when she was born at 39 plus 2

So mine was breech until 34 or 35 weeks. I was freaking out. My dr office offers ecv at 36 weeks and strongly recommends an epidural for it so you aren't accidentally fighting it bc its so painful and uncomfortable. For the majority the worst case scenario is a c section that day. Generally if unsuccessful they send you home and await c section. I did the following and she still turned despite being "big": acupuncture with moxibustion, Webster technique Chiropractor, spinning babies exercises, listened to the Hypnobabies turn your breech baby hypnosis soundtrack on their website while I slept on my side with a peanut ball between my legs the whole night. Took a few nights for her to turn

Hey! My first baby was breech and was on the 90-something centile at my scans. I had an ECV at 37 weeks, but it didn’t work. I was glad I tried it though. The growth scans were pretty accurate for me though! She came out 9lbs! C-section was a lovely experience though. Xx

My baby was on 97th centile and breech. He was breech from my 32 week scan. I was offered an ECV but chose to have an elective c section as the risks outweighed the benefits with ECV in my opinion. Had the section at 38+6weeks weighing 8lbs 1oz, my recovery has been great so far, two weeks PP

Just a friendly reminder that just because they tell you what your baby is measuring at, doesn’t mean it’s always accurate. My baby was born in March. He was expected to be 6-7lbs at 40 weeks. I ended up having a scheduled csection at 39+1 weeks, and he was 8lbs 4oz (dr told me he would probably end up being 9-10lbs at 40 weeks😬) a friend of mine had the opposite problem. they told her to expect a big baby based on measurements, and she has a 6lb baby

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