Husband does not want me

I am 5 month, 22 weeks preggy. I realised my vagina darkened so much thanks to eostrogen and increased blood volume. My belly starts to get bigger and he said he doesnt see me as beautiful as I was. He also told me he hopes I will get back to as I was. Honestly this broke me in half because I am pregnant with out daughter and I feel very beautiful when I look in the mirror I am thinking of myself as a miracle amd I see myself beautiful but he does not want me the same way as before. I am sure he "does" it for himself when I am not home . Which we would be fine if he saw me attractive and beautiful. After giving birth things usually get back to normal? I feel depressed and lonely after he told me this, I am trying to be understanding with him, but it is very hard since all this is happening to me. He has no idea how does it feel when the person you love does not see you the way he used to.
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Sorry if this comes off harsh but your husband sounds like a complete shithead. I would feel devastated if my husband told me I wasn’t as beautiful while sacrificing my body for our child. Pregnancy takes tolls on your body that is out of our control! Our vagina’s get darker and so do our nipples but this is temporary. He should be beyond understanding that your body is going through a lot during this time of carrying your guys child. After a comment like that I wouldn’t even want that man around me. Even if you did look different to him, he shouldn’t even comment on that. Did he only marry you for your looks? Because big shocker but looks won’t be forever. I honestly dislike men who think this way I think it’s kinda disgusting. You’re beautiful and your body is beautiful! You are creating a child and he should think this version of you is the most beautiful imo. I’m sorry you’re going through this babe. Sending hugs 🫶🏽

I 100% agree with Lena on what she said & I think you should literally ask him if he expected you to look the exact same ur whole life? We are human we go through changes in life & you’re not gonna look the same forever, that doesn’t make you any less beautiful either. He is a very surface level guy he can’t see beyond someone’s looks then he is 100% with you for the wrong reasons. I think if you go through a drastic change, it’s OK for your partner to bring it up but it is not OK for them to tell you they are not as attracted to you as they used to be. After pregnancy I lost a lot of weight & my bf pointed it out (he likes thick women) but he still tells me how beautiful I am & how proud he is of me for carrrying our child my point is it’s ok to have a preference but you don’t fall out of love with someone for changing. He went about it SO WRONG girl you deserve the WORLD remember that

If he is like this now, his behaviour and comments are only going to get worse

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