
Hello! I had my nexplanon last April and for the past 2 month (May & June) I had my period. This month I am just spotting. Could this be the aftereffect of nexplanon or am I pregnant again? I tested this morninv but it was negative. Could it be just false negative? I am 7 months postpartum and had a c-section so I am scared atm 😩 please someone tell me this is just the aftereffect of my nexplanon removal 😭
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I had the nexplanon twice and when I finally got off of it, it took over a year to get regular periods! I would spot on and off or have a regular period, or they would be only a couple days, to being over a week long 😭 if you tested and it was negative I think you’re okay! I used to be so scared myself after I got off of it i would test almost every month 😩 I’m currently 7 months pregnant now and when I found out I was pregnant my period before the missed one was beyond painful and I spotted like first 2 days on it. Everyone is so different! If next month you don’t get one at all I would definitely test again!

I had nexplanon and I didn’t have a period at all. When I got it removed it took MONTHS for my period to regulate itself again. Don’t stress too much about it, it very well could be after effects of nexplanon. If your anxiousness is getting the best of you, just test again in a week or two!

@alissa I only spot for 2 days for this month. And last month and 2 months ago I had my period. I just tested again this morning and it was negative. Maybe I am not pregnant lol

@MaryJane yes, it has only been 3 months too. The reason why I am scared is because last month and the month before that I had my period. And this month I was just spotting for 2 days and that’s it 😖

Def make sure you take another test in a week or two, just to be safe! Just try your best not to worry yourself sick until then hun! I got pregnant shortly after my c section and Ik it’s scary asf waiting for those results BUT you never know. It very well could just be hormones from nexplanon going bonkers and making your period go all out of wack. I wish you luck and really hope that nexplanon is the cause of it!!

@MaryJane i really hope so too. Thank you so much! 🙏🏼

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