Letrozole symptoms

Hey girlies just wanted your opinion and stories on letrozole symptoms. I’m on cycle day 9 today and this is 3rd cycle on letrozole, since last cycle been having very strong nausea all the time, comes and goes but making me feel very rubbish! Has anyone had this on letrozole? And what did you do?
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I had this and really bad headaches!! I found sipping water helped a little, or eating ginger biscuits helped with my nausea too 😫 xx

Anything with ginger helps like ginger snap cookies, ginger tea, ginger ale, soup with ginger sprinkled into it and also lemon in water helps kinda like lemonade without the sugar. Also, to avoid side effects, my doc told me the best time to take it was in the evening

@Hayley thanks! I’ve been doing ginger which does help, did you get it the whole cycle? Cos I am :/

@Patrice hey! Thanks for advice! Yh I take mine at 10pm, but I tooo last dose like 3 days ago and still feeling super sick

@Kacie i felt nauseous during the duration of taking it but then after the last pill, i was fine. Did the increase your dosage? Maybe thats whats causing the nausea because your body is adjusting to it.

@Patrice ahh okay, no I’ve been getting it while cycle even before this new one started so 3ish weeks, and no still in same 5mg dose xx

@Kacie okay the same dosage as me. Yeah every cycle is different for me. Last cycle i had headaches and this cycle nausea and lightheadedness

@Patrice Yh :/ no fun at all xx

@Kacie definitely not fun

@Kacie yeah and it continued when I actually conceived too! But it's all worth it xx

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