Induction Experiences

I am wondering of peoples experiences and thoughts about inductions and/or being induced. My due date is the 25th of August but I am going to be induced on the 11th of August. This is due to baby boy already being 6 pound 3 and I still have 6 weeks until my due date. I am a small person and baby is growing fairly quickly and seems that even by the time I am 38 weeks he will have grown to weigh around 9 pound. I have had some people say inductions are great and others say to do research and best to just let my body do it naturally. OB is happy to monitor babies weight/growth along the next couple of weeks but I do agree he will be quite big if I were to go to full term! All stories welcome as I would like to educate myself
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I had induction due to waters breaking prematurely. The labour was intense but managed to get through it with just the gas. I have a baby girl that measured 2.5kg at 32 weeks, they are going to measure again at 36 weeks next week and they might suggest another induction. I’m not sure which way I will go if they suggest induction. These ultrasounds can be inaccurate up to 15% either way.

@Errin thank you for sharing first of all - I really appreciate it! Will be interesting to hear what the doctors say for you this time round! I completely understand they can be inaccurate! I have had 3 different scans on 3 different machines and 3 different professionals all come up with similar numbers and have all mentioned he is on the bigger side! Certainly no way of truly knowing until he’s decided to come along! I really hope he just decides to come on his own terms before then! The induction is booked in but my OB is very happy if I decide to cancel and would like to wait for it to happen naturally! For that I’m super grateful!

I had an induction with last baby at 42 weeks as baby was running late! Tried pessary first but didn’t work and then did foleys balloon which worked next day. Induction went very quickly for me - I found it quite intense and in the end went natural as wasn’t time for epidural as everything progressed very quickly. One thing I read is that you can ask them to slow the pace of the pitocin drip if it feels too much too allow your body to adjust easier. I would definitely ask about that if I was induced this time around. Baby was 3995g at 42 weeks so quite big, but manageable 😊

@Chevonne my baby measured 3.5kg 97th percentile at 36 week scan so they are suggesting induction at 39 weeks. She’s also possibly got some issues with her brain development. I’m probably going to go with induction

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