Positive induction stories please šŸ™šŸ¼

41+1 and today was my third attempt at a sweep. She could reach my cervix but failed to pull it forward as it wasnā€™t budging. I had a scan last week and baby is measuring big. Even she had a feel around my bump and pelvis and said baby is bigšŸ„“ My original plan was waterbirth and gas & air but i know thatā€™s not a reality anymore. Which iā€™m trying to be okay with! As i just want baby here nowšŸ™šŸ¼ She said she doesnā€™t think anything is gonna happen and to just chill until they call me on sundayšŸ˜« I did have some brown/yellow discharge after so hopinggggg that her routing around as aggravated the cervix enough to start something before induction comes. Does anyone have any positive induction stories for me as all i see if negative onesšŸ˜­
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Had 4 sweeps done and went into labour after the 4th. Waters broke 12 hours later at about 5am. I also wanted a water birth but I opted for an epidural instead. Was pushing for around an hour but I had a risk of infection so it was suggested I have an emergency C-section. Honestly my birth didnā€™t go the way I planned but it was such a positive experience. I listened to what my body needed. All the staff at Medway were amazing and baby boy arrived safely. The epidural was amazing and if youā€™re open to it Iā€™d definitely try it. I was in active labour for 18 hours but most of it I was chill having had the epidural. You got this xx

My induction with my second child was such a positive experience, much nicer than my spontaneous labour with my first! Pessary worked as it should, waters popped, gas and air only and a baby in my arms a few hours later. Yes, the risks of intervention or C-section are higher and yes the hormone drip (if you need it) can make labouring more painful, but it doesnā€™t necessarily mean itā€™s going to go that way for you. Wishing you a positive experience, healthy bub and speedy recovery ā¤ļø

I had oxy drip, 3 hour labour with gas and air, all fine x

I had 3 sweeps and went to 41 + 2 waters started to break the day after my 3 Ed sweep and I was induced the following day because of this, they broke my waters fully at 4pm went straight onto the hormone drip after that and little one was here by 4am I only had gas and air but quite a bad tear and blood loss but all fine the next day, I felt the best I had felt in a long time! They offered me the epidural but I advanced quick to didnā€™t take it! Good luck xx

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