Diet / Healthy Eating Tips & Advice

Tips / Advice on how to start and stick to a diet / healthy eating please!! 🙏🏼👍🏼
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I have a few tips: •every meal remove half a plate and add half a plate of veggies/ fruits •drink loads of water daily •low carbohydrate intake and up the fat in take - healthy fat as fat burns fat when carbohydrates are at a minimal and the same with sugar •still enjoy chocolate etc just not every day • go and look at family or healthy meal recipes : usually one protein one veg portion and one carb portion

Don't do it as a diet do it as a lifestyle change that u still eat what u want but your incorporating more healthier foods - nuts hummus olives fruits and ceasar salad eggs olive oil avocado pitta bread etc

Something that I think is a good idea is building the habits rather than going all in straight away, it being to much and then you fail. So say the first 2 weeks you just eat in a calorie deficit, then next 2 weeks you add in drinking at least 2l of water a day too, then 2 weeks later you add in 20 mins of exercise a day for example. I find that helps me. Plus, I don't actually cut out anything food wise because I'll just want it even more that way. I just find ways to have what I want by making it less calories. So light mayo, light butter etc. I have dessert every day because I have a sweet tooth but I'm still losing weight because I choose lighter options. It does need to be a lifestyle choice though rather than a 'diet' but this way, I can still go out and enjoy what I want or go on holiday and eat whatever because it's only 1 week and the rest of the time I'm eating in a deficit. I feel that's more realistic for me than doing any kind of diet because I know I won't stick to it.

Also, if you are calorie counting, make sure it's realistic and not the standard 1200 a day that My Fitness Pal gives. For most people that just isn't sustainable.

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