PCOS medication

Has anyone taken Metformin, Provera, and Letrozole all in the same cycle?? I have been diagnosed with PCOS and my doctor has prescribed me all of these medications to start taking. I haven’t had a cycle in 100 days now and do not ovulate regularly when I do have a period. I tried Myo Insotinol and that didn’t work for me. The Metformin and Provera are both supposed to trigger my cycle (the Metformin ultimately supposed to regulate my menstrual cycle) and the Letrozole is supposed to help me ovulate. I have been ttc for about a year now. I’m a bit nervous to take all of these at once and how my body is going to react to them. Any advice/insight is welcomed!! (Note: I’m not insulin resistant.)
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Me. I have 2 children from the exact same treatment and I’m trying for my third with the same treatment:)!

@Heidi This is very reassuring to hear! Thank you! Best of luck to you trying for baby #3!

I'm on Metformin for my type 2 diabetes, but I'm not taking anything for my PCOS

I take metformin, myoinositol and letrozole, I was given progesterone to help bring on period but as the letrozole helps me ovulate the cycles fixed by that xx

@Kacie Did you have any negative side effects?

I was on the same 3 drugs did 3 rounds of ivf and on the 4th embryo transfer it worked I now have 5 month old twin boys.

Not really, the do have side effects but main thing to do is take the metformin with food ( I normally take with dinner) and take letrozole before bed, think this is why I have been okay x

Me! And I continued taking Metformin till at least 12 weeks because it has been shown to reduce the risk of miscarriage. I have a 2.5 year old and am 27 weeks pregnant, used those medicines for both kids.

@Monica how awesome!

@Kacie that’s great! Thanks for the tips!

@Grace how awesome!! That’s good to know! Thanks so much!

Im on metformin, myo inostol and letrozole. My body has got use to the metformin now. The letrozole brings ovulation fwd.and Shortens pcos cycle length

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