How much do you pay for on base childcare monthly? Is it more expensive than off base?

Looking for several options at the moment. My son will be starting childcare around 2-3 months. I’m in San Antonio and rank is E6.
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Base childcare was wayyy cheaper for me but they never had an opening for my children. It goes based off marital status and rank. This is true for Navy not sure about other branches

On post childcare is based on your income. We were in a higher bracket as dual income household and paid about 550$ per month per child. For comparison, off post we paid more than double.

Its income based so generally going to be different answers for everyone….but on post is significantly cheaper for me

At Campbell we were told theyre only offering infant care for dual active families at the moment. 😭

Dual income as E-3s we paid $450 a month $225 per paycheck. Compared to the $1000+ a month off base

And right now I’m paying a single income and only paying about $200 a month

On base/post rates are income based and vary by location. Spots are given by priority to childcare employees, dual military families, and single soldiers first then everyone else. Reserve a spot on MilitaryChildCare .com and it should tell you when a spot should be expected available and your priority. You can also call Parent Central and inquire about the tuition rates.

We are at ft. Knox and in the highest bracket because dual military, so we pay just under $950 for the month. It's a tiered system so it goes off of household income. Not only is the total cost cheaper than anything trustworthy off base, but it is highly regulated and safe, and includes free meals.

Its different everywhere and goes by your income.

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