When did you get your period?

Currently going through my second miscarriage and just wondering when I should expect my period? My first was a MMC at 10 weeks and I didn’t have a period for 5 months after due to retained placenta from a failed D&C. I’m 6+5 this time round when it started. Would like to start trying relatively soon but unsure how long it normally takes?
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I just got mine as regular roughly 4 weeks later xx

If you had regular periods before the pregnancy. The period should start up again between 4-6 weeks. I got mine at 4 weels

Hi ladies is this 4-6weeks after you passed most of the Tissue or after you stopped bleeding ?

Mine was from the start of my initial bleed. I had 2 days of small bleeds then in the 3rd day it was really heavy and then 4th day I passed it. I think mine was 4 weeks from the heavy bleed xx

I bled for 4 weeks straight then it stopped for a week and then I got my period on week 6

That’s interesting, it appears differently for every woman. My bleeding started with spotting then light bleeding then on day 4 I passed most of the tissue and the bleeding reduced then increased and reduced again (was a total of 1week of spotting& bleeding). It’s been 3 weeks since I stopped bleeding and I had a few discharge here and there a few days ago, I pray my period is on its way.

It’s been 3 weeks since my D&C exactly and I got a positive ovulation test this morning after my ovaries were hurting last night so I guess it’s going to be 5w from procedure to period (my cycle is irregular so I’m surprised it took such a short time). And still every woman is different. Wait 1 cycle to let your body gain some vitamins, for your endometrium to heal and once your period is down you can start trying. :) I would personally ask your doctor to run some bloodwork just to make sure nothing is out of order as that’s one of the reasons people have miscarriages: hormone imbalances/ chromosome abnormalities or clothing disorders-auto immune disorders. You’ve already had 2 and maybe you should talk with a fertility specialist to at least get some testing to see what’s causing it. They would run your hormones, check your lining and check for abnormal growth and test for disorders.

@Boryana thank you! I will definitely wait for my body to heal. I spoke to the dr today but had to ask for the blood work but he was reluctant as I already have a son so he feels like I’m just “unlucky” I guess

I have a daughter too and a week ago I realized that the only reason I have her is when I was 5 weeks pregnant I got a tooth infection and took an antibiotic that saved her as it helped combat one of my disorders that cause a miscarriage that I didn’t knew I had till now 2-3y later. And still a miscarriage is a miscarriage. Those doctors act like they’re paying for your bloodwork :D they’re there to advise you not to take decisions instead of you so just push them. After 2 miscarriages insurances cover all those test and a fertility specialist.

@Boryana do you know what the disorder you had was? I am curious as I was told I might have had an infection but I didn’t complete my antibiotics and now I question if that has anything to do with it

@Boryana I’m a bit confused, I’m in the Uk and unfortunately we do not have access to private tests without having to pay extra money privately. I’m hoping to get a doctor’s appointment next week. Can you please simplify exactly what I need to ask to get tested for?

@Ema so I’m based in the UK and my dr has requested these bloods for me. He basically wants to test for autoimmune conditions (e.g. lupus) and anything that can contribute to miscarriages.

Thank you for replying. I pray it goes well and results are good and the next one sticks.

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