Heartbroken mama

I just found out yesterday (9+1) that I had a miscarriage. I’m so sad. I cannot put into the words the amount of pain and sadness that I feel. I feel like a piece of me is gone and I don’t know what to do. My husband and I love our baby so much and I can’t fathom that we won’t be able to meet them in February, as we planned. I’m so sad. I just want my baby. I miss my baby so much. How will I ever move on?
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Hi Daisy, I’m so sorry for your loss, it’s such a cruel thing to happen to anyone. I found out on Wednesday that I have had another missed miscarriage at 9w+4, this is my 6th loss and yet it doesn’t get easier. Be kind to yourselves and please DM me if you just want to talk, vent but make sure to have those closest around you to support you, it can feel like a lonely experience but it’s amazing how many people have been through this type of heartbreak and albeit scary to try again when you are ready, it’s very common for women to go on to have healthy pregnancy after a miscarriage. So take your time but don’t lose hope, sending big hugs and I am so sorry that you are also having to go through this x

Hi Daisy, I’m so so sorry. I had a miscarriage back in February and just want to send you so much love. Take all the time you need to process 🤍

I'm so sorry you are going through this. ❤ As a mom that has had miscarriages before. You just have to go through the grieving process. You will heal and you will carry on, but it will always hurt a little bit too. ❤

I’m so sorry, I’ve been in this situation too. It’s totally heartbreaking. I tried for 18 months before falling pregnant with my first baby last march and found out at a scan that it was a missed miscarriage. I was in a dark place for a long time. In November I fell again and had a chemical pregnant - loss number 2. But in March this year I found out I’m pregnant again and I’m now 20 weeks and all is looking fab. You will never forget your baby but when the time is right I’m sure another little one will come along for you and I promise the pain does get a little easier over time. It never leaves you but becomes easier to deal with,with time ❤️

same here 😞 hang in there mama! be strong

I am here for you please feel free to pm if you need to talk, as I misscarried back in Feb this year I know exactly what you are going thru and I'm finding it esp hard as I would of got to meet my baby this month as my due date was 19th August. We so wanted our baby too and would of been good for my my 9 year old and 2 year old who wants a sibling. Think we are going to try again. One of my relatives lost 3 in a row and she is now due to become a mummy I think sometimes in September her very 1st time being a mummy I also have a friend who lost 6 before having her now 7 year old

@Georgia we would of both been due this month as I lost one too in Feb xx

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