Anyone had any luck breastfeeding twins born at 30 weeks?

Or anyone in similar situation? Would formula just be the best or is it doable to breastfeed?
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I think anything is doable. I don’t have experience but I would just practice practice practice. Get tongue and lip ties checked from a pediatric dentist. Pump to make sure you have enough supply. But also don’t be afraid to use bottles or formula. As long as they are getting fed that’s all that matters and as long as mom stays sane is all that matters

I had a 34 weeker who wasn't able to latch. So it's not really the fact that you have two, but their gestational age BUT you have to continue to bring them to the breast and practice before each feed regardless if you supplement with formula. I always brought her to breast and tried to latch and pumped and had to supplement. Then one day she did it. I also used a nipple shield to get her used to the sensation of feeding at breast and latching.

They'll be on formula first in the nicu anyway while your milk comes in but that gives you time to build a supply. It'll be hard but it's doable.

@Tiffany will milk still come in with ceasarean or will that make it harder?

Hi! Not twins but I had a 28 weeker and was able to start breastfeeding him when he was 5 months (1.5 month corrected) and he was still able to latch etc. we made sure he had a dummy to suck when he was little and I just kept pumping every 3 hours the whole time. I had a c section. Good luck! X

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