
I have a 1 month old and feel like I am genuinely struggling with everything at the moment. Baby won’t settle and I feel like I’m doing everything wrong 😢 I want to be really happy and enjoy baby but it’s just so hard I’m literally just hanging on and in survival mode. Is anyone else feeling the same? I have sought support from health visitors so hoping they can make suggestions/ provide support. Just need to feel like it’s not just me 😔
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You’re not on your own. I think I cry at least once a day at the minute and this heat is not helping in the slightest. I’ve spent ALL day on the sofa breastfeeding and can’t even remember the last time I had a wee!

If you want to message me please do! I have a 5 week old and it’s been a rollercoaster 😬🥰 I’ve been so emotional and stressed about feeding him and now we’re trying to manage him not settling (which we think is constipation). I always feel like it’s something I’ve done and it’s not but you just love them so much that you want to do everything right xx

@Meg sounds like me 😢 praying it will get easier soon- for you too!

@Jenny thank you. Pooing is the one thing she is ok with at the minute- she does a lot! 😆

Definitely not just you, feeling this way too. ❤️❤️❤️

@Maria here’s hoping it gets easier soon🤞 x

Haha ahh ok no worries lovely, it's something I didn't know happened, so much to learn about our little ones 🤪

It is so hard my baby has colic and it’s just so sad seeing them so upset but just know your doing amazing and we will all get through this I keep telling myself this isn’t forever and this stage will pass but it’s hard x Some days are really bad where my baby just is so unsettled sometimes she just wants to be held and me moving around but it’s exhausting it will get better c

Feeling the same way here, some days better than others but it is hard 😪

Same here, so nice to know I’m not alone (although wouldn’t wish it on anyone else!)… sometimes I feel like it’ll never get easier and I’ll never feel happy/relaxed/normal ever again, so overwhelming x

Same here… It’s a school day every day. Hang in there! It will get easier x

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