Advice for speech delays

Anyone have a child with a speech delay turn success story? My little boy is 2.5 and has a speech delay. Early intervention denied us services and said he didn’t qualify. So we went to private speech start at a little over 2 y/o. They first diagnosed him with recessive and expressive speech delay. He has been in speech for 5 months and we have gotten some new words but he seems to talk more in speech therapy than at home. Our pediatrician suggested him to be evaluated again by the state or in office for autism. My husband is on the fence and I go back and forth. During his check up appointment he was making eye contact with her, handing her toys, and talking gibberish. When we say “throw away your apple sauce or go to your stroller” he does it. He makes eye contact, he has a sense for danger, he taps us on the knee if he wants our attention, he points, shows me his toys, has great social skills… 🤷‍♀️ are we the best sharer no… when I ask him to give me a toy does he want to do it… no… He follows other questions/requests. He is a good sleeper but we are in a picky eating phase. We are starting daycare in a few weeks/months (depends on the waitlist). I’m nervous. Part of me hopes for a language explosion. I am craving to hear “I love you mama”😔 He gives kisses which I know that’s how he shows it but… it’s hard. Now that we have fully entered being two it makes me sad when he talks but I can’t always understand what he wants. Any advice or words much appreciated. ❤️
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I have two kids. One is autistic. The one that isn’t her speech delay was very severe that she started school pre verbal. She’s now 7 and you wouldn’t know and doing very well at school. I think with her it’s to do with the muscles in her mouth being underdeveloped. Just wanted to point out that some kids with autism make very good eye contact. It’s also a wide spectrum. It’s worth pursuing for your own peace of mind.

It’s a long road. Early intervention isn’t something many qualify for. My son started with it before he was two. We started private speech too. The opposite though as he’d only talk around me and never around doctors, therapists or teachers. We ended up with a diagnosis of autism about 5 months ago. The diagnosis opened up for coverage for services. He just turned 4 and is talking so much. 8 months ago he said, “I love you mom” for the first time! Regardless of whether it’s a developmental delay, speech disorder or something else, maximize speech services and ask them how to generalize so he’ll talk more at home. It will get better at some point. For my son, there was a big jump around 3 and again at 4, but every kid is different.

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