Baby doesnt want the breast

Baby girl is 2 weeks old and we have had issues with breastfeeding since the get go. Traumatic birth meant I didn’t get to hold her for the first 5 hours of her life and a case of bad baby blues meant I wasn’t eating / drinking much at all for the first week. Since the weather has been hotter she has been refusing to latch, getting really irritated and just having a bottle. I have tried to express with an electric pump but am getting less than 5ml off both breasts combined. Is this the end of breastfeeding for us? Has my supply gone completely? Sometimes my boobs will leak a lot but it is not all the time and I’m confused about how this all works.
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Try MAM nipple shields, absolutely saved my breast feeding journey with my baby. Also get your baby checked for a tongue tie as that might be causing the issue.

I feel for you! Breastfeeding is HARD. My girlfriend had issues getting her baby to latch and it ended up being because he was tongue tied. Have you ruled that out? I would recommend seeing a lactation consultant if you haven’t already. They are so helpful! And use silverette’s (Amazon) and Mama Earth nipple butter for sore nipples. I had to triple feed with breastfeeding, formula and pumping for a while until my supply increased. It was a nightmare but got my supply to increase pretty quick. Also try Mother’s Milk tea!

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