Spitting Stage?

Any one else's 2 and a half year old spitting? I thought it was a stage.. but its been like 2 months. Spits when he's mad. Spits when he is bored. Spits to try to be funny. I think sometimes he spits without realizing. Its like its just something he has to do. Normal stage? Im tired of getting spit on and having to correct him for spitting on things and people.
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OMG mine has been doing this for a couple of months too ☹️ he thinks it's hilarious. I've corrected him hundreds of times to no avail. I have no advice but solidarity. I hope this ends for both of us soon!

Yuuup. Lil girl loves spitting her water out onto things and the floor. And just spitting because 🤷🏼‍♀️

Glad to know Im not alone. Its is driving me crazy ha

Yeah… I taught him how to spit when he was brushing his teeth, and now I regret that so very much. He thinks it is the funniest thing. I try not to make too big of a deal about it since that just makes it more exciting for him to do. I tell him he can spit in the toilet if he wants to practice which he occasionally does… Usually not for too long before he gets bored thankfully. But now he’s transitioned to blowing raspberries including in people’s faces, so that’s fun. I think they’re all just phases when they’re trying stuff out though. If you can not make too big of a deal about it and show them how they can do it at the right time or the right way, then hopefully the phase will be done faster 🤞🤞🤞

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