Potty Training

My daughter is 2 1/2 years old and we had her almost fully potty trained by 16 months. The only thing that we honestly struggle with is pooping in the toilet. She’s now at the point that she can tell me she has to go poop and wants a diaper change but fights me if I try to put her on the toilet to try. I was also hoping to have an underwear during naps if and when she ever takes it. When she sleeps in the car on a trip, there are zero accidents, but when she sleeps in her bed for a nap, I tend to find she has a full diaper. If anyone has any tips or tricks, I would greatly appreciate it!
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Sorry, no tips. But I do think it's normal to not be completely trained at this point. My daughter is mostly trained as well but she sometimes won't stop what she's doing to go potty and then has an accident. She also refuses to use a public toilet so whenever we leave the house we have to use a pull up or diaper. Not sure how to overcome that one

@Rachel I completely agree with you that it’s normal especially with how young she is. I was just curious if anyone has had any luck lol

I’m potty training my 2 1/2 year old daughter as well and it has definitely been a struggle. She loves putting on underwear but we just started yesterday with lots of accidents and one successful pee in the potty. Day 2 so far no accidents and I’m doing 10 and 10. 10 minutes on 10 minutes off because she had accidents before the 30 minute timer went off

My experience was very messy. I did no underwear/diaper for my LG’s potty training days and she finally got tired of messing on herself. There were a lot of accidents, and I only did it for as long as I could until I got burnt out and then we’d try again a week or more later. When she was a couple months past her second birthday I tried to have a heart to heart with her while wiping the poop away that “if you poop on the potty this will be over super fast instead of all this wiping and changing your clothes”. I’m not sure if my talk worked but I tried to drag it out when I had to clean her up versus a fast cleanup using the potty. My LG actually made her first out of diaper poop in the bath tub, which was super gross for me but kind of a light bulb for her that “hey, I don’t have to get poop all over me”. Everyone’s experience is different, and they will all eventually go. Sometimes it also helped to have a potty trained kid use the potty and tell her it was okay to go too.

I would like to add… my LG will be 3 in October and so far she poops and pees in any potty. She still has occasional accidents if she is having too much fun, but they’re few and far between. She holds it in public and during nap time. I’m hoping to get her out of bed wetting by her birthday, but as of right now she wears a pull up for those midnight accidents. My biggest recommendation is to let them mess themselves. In my opinion, I t’s aggravating and nasty to clean up for us but it is a great learning experience for them, and very rewarding when they can help us not have as much to clean up. And also a side note, I’ve found that when in doubt, offering a small treat (mine loves Krabbie Patties) always helps.

@Katie that’s a great idea! Typically we when we do the diaper changes when she takes a poop. I get it done quickly and sent her on her way, but if I go really slow with it and she gets frustrated, maybe that’s a way of getting her to start pooping on the potty lolas far as letting them have their accident, especially in bed, is there a special kind of sheet protector that you have for the mattress to make sure that nothing is bleeding through or do you layer towels or something?

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