Successful you have a hard time with haters?

I've been different my whole life and I've never wanted to be necessarily. I'm the og hipster and have always been a influencer type person even before social media. But I got some mad haters, especially my inlaws because I encourage my husband who is a wild ass man but also like super creative and he worked his ass off to build us a beautiful foundation. Thing is I just sometimes feel so lonely being positive most of the time and just crushing goals left and right. I just want people to be happy for me, not jealous. Like my mom and husband are my greatest supporters but other people are just so speechless when it comes to me. Like I think my success makes them uncomfortable. Anyone know what I mean and how do you deal?
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Just breathe, if ppl can’t love you on your worst day they don’t deserve to see ubin your best day so I hear me! Friend me I’ll be a cheerleader for I you’ll cheer for me cause like you everyone’s waiting for me to fall on my face

Stop sharing successes with people who don't celebrate you. You can't cut family off (I mean you can but that's messy and I prefer not to) but I've learned that there are certain people in my life who I don't need to share stuff with especially successes/good news/achievements. Sometimes you're in someones life to make it better, they're not in your life to make you better. So those people I keep at arms length and still interact and share stuff with, just not big stuff. If you know they can't be happy for you it probably means they're not happy themselves. Save yourself the heartache and frustration by not sharing good things with everyone.

When I just started going up, I always had a feeling that people hate my success. But with years I just started sharing way less, a lot of people fell off my circle and I stopped caring way less as well. People do not think of us as much as we tend to think they do. Everyone cares and thinks of their own self. That’s my experience.

I’ve lost two 25+ years of friendship due to my accomplishments within 1 yr of each other. It’s like my man says “baby, it’s lonely at the top”. It’s like you said they can’t be happy for what I’ve achieved in life so they hate instead and that’s okay bc at least I know my worth. It’s not worth wasting your time and energy on ppl like that who can’t reciprocate it back.

Unfortunately, some people don't know how to be happy for someone else. Usually, misery loves company. Some just stay jealous. I also heard the saying, hurt people, hurt people. It's very true. Instead of them worrying about themselves and trying to change and better oneself, they put their focus on other people and that person's life. Stay strong and positive. Don't let anyone and/or negativity bring you down.Congrats on all of your success!

Yes, it's because they aren't for you! Real friends are for you, support, and encourage you! They celebrate your wins and will not feel jealous. So yes, I find most people are going to be haters. I don't post my stuff all over social media or even share it word of mouth because someone will always make it something it's not. Don't let anyone dim your light!

Surround yourself w people like yourself. Networking groups. “Successful mums” or “empowering entrepreneur women” groups and the like. On FB. Find your tribe, people who are similar and lift each other up and inspire each other. Go to lots of networking type events. Whatever you strive to be, surround yourself w those types of people. Ignore the haters, make them your motivation.

It sounds like you need new people around you. I don't know anyone who is successful and surrounded by other successful people that deal with this. Successful people encourage and applaud one another.

I think it’s very common. Jealousy is a huge feeling. You need to surround yourself with people who are on your level. It’s hard but necessary

I cannot relate. I am successful, yes people don't like it. I do not have a supportive mother and absolutely nobody, except my husband, helped or supported me with any of it. I don't really share my success, and I don't struggle to stay positive all the time. My success was never for anyone else to celebrate anyway it was always for me.

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