Possible Allergy

Long shot - please bear with me. So, as a tiny baby, M had severe baby acne and colic. After giving up dairy/soya in my diet, this slowly eased - took about 6 weeks. Then reintroduction had no impact. Weaning - totally fine. However, he has had what I thought was teething rash, which came and went for around 6 months. I now know this was eczema. At about 14 months, the rash started getting really bad, lots of back and forth with gp and multiple creams/emollients/steroids. Some helped short term then the rash came back, sometimes even worse. After having macaroni cheese one night (had been a favourite for months, so def not the first time) he got the worse flare up I’ve seen, so I stopped dairy for him ( not me, still breastfeeding). 3 weeks later, his rash almost completely disappears. 24 hours after reintroduction, he has a tiny rash (not anywhere near as bad as it had been) but also a bit of diarrhoea and mucus poop. Up until this, his skin is the clearest it’s been in months. Am I looking too much into this? Can a diary allergy get worse over time? How can we confirm it’s this and not a fluke? We are on holiday so lots of things different. Had anyone else had a slow increase in eczema due to build of of allergy? Thanks 🥰🥰🥰
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Also should say that the skin cleared coinciding with trying a new cream - the aveeno oat one 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

Eat a clean, whole foods diet. This will help focus on healing the gut. Don’t use soap. Do water baths. By a water filter for the shower.

So there’s IgE and non IgE CMPA. IgE being a true allergy like you eat a peanut and go into anaphylaxis, and non IgE being a sensitivity to the cows milk protein which causes colic, reflux, eczema, mucus in stools, etc. non IgE CMPA can last until 2. And symptoms may vary, as the proteins build in the body to create the reaction. The other thing is that cows milk is just really inflammatory and it is a common trigger for eczema. So your child may not have a true allergy but they may just still be sensitive to it. But it’s important to familiarize yourself with true dairy allergies so you know what to look for, as GI distress is a symptom of anaphylaxis But from what you’ve described, it’s similar to what we deal with which is non IgE CMPA

Thanks so much. This is really interesting 💕

Avoid dairy. The best! ✨ Also watch out for eggs and gluten. We cut all 3 . Best !!! No more problems here. (Still a bit in the heat) Yes for healing the gut. 💕 Liver 💚 Low fat diet at least until lunch best until dinner 🍽️ (helps with body detoxication when there is not so much fat) Fruits and berries are the best breakfast and snacks 😋🤤💕 Try to avoid steroids 🙏 Bdv oat cream sometimes - gluten (can irritate the skin)

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