Ttc after miscarriage

My baby was born sleeping on 15th June at 16w 6d It has been just over a month since, i still haven’t gotten my period yet but we are doing the deed. is it still possible to conceive if i don’t get my period? I know it might take a little longer for my period since i was bit further in my pregnancy whats the longest i should expect to go without?
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So sorry for your loss, hope you’re coping as well as can be 💔 I was told after my miscarriage even before a period to be cautious of being extra fertile, we caught 2 months after the d&c x

@Chloe thank you ❤️ im guessing when you caught pregnant you didn’t get your period yet? It took a lot of years to conceive the first time i cant imagine it will be easy for us a second time but I’m hopeful

I had one at about 9 weeks after, but it was a weird period rather than a normal one of that makes sense? We were exactly the same same 2 years it took us, so when we caught again so soon after I was very nervous and scared, by all means drop me a message and we can have a more in depth conversation if you like, sometimes it’s nice to talk xx

I lost my baby at 16 weeks last November. Took me 5 months to fall pregnant again. Sorry for your loss xx

I lost my baby boy at 17 weeks in September 2023 . Bled for 4 weeks then week of no bleeding and then I got my period on week 6 x after the period we slowly started trying . Found out I was pregnant in April 2024 . So took us about 6 months. With my first miscarriage (October 2022) it was the same , bled for 4weeks and period on week 6 but it took us 9 months that’s time to conceive that baby I mentioned that we sadly lost . I’m so so sorry about your loss mama I hope you doing okay 🤍🥺 sending love and hope you get your rainbow baby soon .

@Zena thank you! did they find any reason why you miscarried at 16 weeks? Xx

@Nicol thank you 🤍 Definitely have my hard days where i just cry into his heart beat bear but its not as bad as i was, just feeling a little lost at the minute like I’m in limbo i bled for around 2 weeks after my surgery and nothing since hoping its not going to be too long now before it comes, maybe then i can start getting some normality back Was there a cause for you miscarrying at 17 weeks?

There wasn’t actually any specific reason why he passed away . Nothing wrong with him genetically also nothing wrong with the placenta . The only issues they found was with the umbilical cord . They said it was too long for his gestation and also it was Hypercoiled . So it’s like too many coils like spirals . Hard to explain . But yeah no actual reason why it happened. I always think it was because of work as I work as a Care assistant lifting heavy people and so many time I was left at the unit myself and had to deal with the residents . This time I’m on sick leave as I’m not risking anything x

No they done all the tests they can on the placenta etc (I didn’t want the baby tested) and nothing came back. No signs of infection, nothing wrong with genetics, 🤷‍♀️ so unless it was a heart defect which they said they would only know if they tested baby, then there was no answer and apparently it can just happen with no obvious reason. It does make it really hard to accept, because you find yourself questioning everything. Have you had an answer? X

@Nicol so hard isnt it we sit there thinking about everything we did but theres no way of knowing what caused anything, I’ve wrecked my mind thinking of everything i did the day my waters broke thinking if there was anything i could of done differently makes me scared for next time xx

@Zena i had something called pProm (preterm premature rupture of membranes) my waters broke at home 16w 4d i was kept in hospital and put on antibiotics and constantly checked obs and bloods to check for any infections luckily everything was fine, baby arrived sleeping at 16w 6d Theres a high risk chance i will pProm again in a future pregnancy I didn’t want baby tested either they did send my placenta off for testing though which i still haven’t gotten any results back yet x

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