How soon did you try again?

How soon after miscarriage did you try again for another baby? I want to aim for the next 2 or 3 months
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I am so sorry about the miscarriage 💔 we tried straight after my first period so i was pregnant pretty much a month later. Take care of yourself xx

I started trying strait away before I got my period back and ended up falling pregnant 3 months after ! Xx

I'm sorry for your loss. Honestly, I was told to wait until after my first period but also told that they say that because it makes calculations easier for them. I decided to have sex a few days after the egg white discharge passed. Honestly, now I have all of the same symptoms I had last time I was pregnant. I did intend to wait, but if I am pregnant again already, I trust my body and the universe that it's the right time. I say do what works for you. If you need more time to heal, take that time. If trying again straight away feels right, get it on. Trust yourself and your body. Sorry, that was a massive spiel, but I hope it helps!

I waited one period cycle then tried on the next. I wasn’t pregnant that month or the next, but I was on the third month and my rainbow baby made it full term with no complications 🥰 he is now 6 weeks old!

One year almost .. we just started trying again. 🩷🩷 It’ll be a year in August (next month) 🫥

After my loss at 23 weeks last year june tried straight away. Fell pregnant in October but miscarried in December. Then fell pregnant again in January xx

We waited about a year and a half partly due to circumstances but also to give time to grieve as I wasn't ready. Then first cycle trying we had a chemical, tried again straight away following this for 3 cycles and then got pregnant our 4th cycle.

@Jasmine did you wait until your bleeding stopped

I waited a cycle before trying but have been trying unsuccessfully for the past two cycles. This is weird for me because I’ve never TTC before. I was lucky. Now not so much 😅

@Allison Monique yeah I did then I had a period 6 weeks after delivery and tried straight away x

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