Well meaning visitors too much?! Feeling guilty

Hi all So my LO is now around 2 weeks old. We have had endless amounts of visitors to the house all of who which mean well with offers of help, food and baby minding. However does anyone else feel like it’s all a bit much and then feel guilty for feeling that way as they are only wanting to help. However I feel that even when they offer to help I still have to entertain them, talk to them and am just wanting to try establish a routine with LO and with feeding… tell me I’m not the only one who feels this way? And how can I alleviate it?!
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It’s really hard. I remember having a lot of visitors with my first and it was overwhelming but same time nice to see people. Having my second any day now and think I’ll be putting my foot down a bit more with visitors as have my little one to think about too. Don’t be afraid to say no to people x

Felt exactly the same with my first. Had way too many visitors straight away (who stayed overnight, which was way too much!). Done things differently this time round and only allowing people to come round during the day and for a few hours. You have to put your foot down and listen to your mind and your body. It's lovely having people visit but can equally be really daunting as uou feel like your house has to be in order and you have to entertain. They can come later once your routine is more established.

Good that they are helpful at least! Nothing worst than visitors who bring nothing and expect to have u running around making coffes and giving snacks.. But I am not having anyone for the first month minimum. Luckily we live far away to put people off from wanting to visit 😂😂 (1 - 1.5hr away from all friends and fam) So the plan is to only allow MIL as I would feel bad, but she is always poorly so I have some worries..

I had this with my first and It became overwhelming and just too much for me. I wanted the time in my bubble and didn’t feel ready for seeing people. This time we’ve let people know that we want a few weeks at least to get settled and will reach out when we’re ready. Do what’s best for you and let them know if you need time xx

They should be confirming with you before they come, if they message just let them know today isn’t a good day or you have plans, its good to set boundaries early! Hope it all goes well 🩵🩵🩵

It can be overwhelming. Just let them know you’re not ready for visitors and that you’ll check in once you feel up to it x

I'm only 3 days pp and still in hospital. Already dreading the flow of people. I know they all mean well and are excited nut I'm not looking forward to it. Just want to settle down x

In addition to the above advice I often will pop upstairs to feed him, I find a bit of quiet time allows me to reset x

I’ve been home with baby almost 2 weeks and I hate it when everyone wants to come round, I just feel exhausted and adapting to everything is too much, I’m the same I know people mean well but I just don’t want to see people or have to entertain too much, I’ve just told people we’ll let them know when we’re ready for visitors (then someone asked 3 days later if we were ready yet 🤣) x

Just know ur limits if your not feeling visitor's one day let them know lock ur doors lol we've had the opposite! "Friends" and family saying they'll call and letting us down I feel bad for my OH actually to pf his closest mates have 2 weekends in a row let him down and not called when they said a day and time 😕 it's pretty shitty but as they say u realise at times like this who matters. Count yourself lucky 🥰but take days off from visitor's when needed and don't feel bad for it x

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