Anyones toddler waking up a lot at night ?

I’m having trouble with my 2 year old he’s been making up at 4 or 5 in the morning screaming crying like if he’s in pain I ask him what’s wrong and nothing he stop screaming and goes back to sleep almost like either he’s having a bad dream or something is hurting him because crying but with his eyes closed …. I give him a bath every night before bed and I use a shampoo that calms him to sleep for babies and lotion maybe I shouldn’t use it everyday ? Help please I’m exhausted sometimes doesn’t go back to sleep for hours
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What is the temperature in the room? What time is he going to bed? I have discovered that 8p bedtime is a guaranteed 445 wake up for my daughter and then a 9a nap. I've also learned that my daughter's temp varies over the course of the night and she will wake screaming like she needs to go to the ER if too hot or too cold. It is a game of chess. She's winning.

My toddler goes to bed like 9-9:30pm, she’s up like 7-8am, naps like 1-2pm, I’ve tried making it earlier by waking her up earlier but still manages to stay up so I don’t really fight the schedule too much, that being said I try to make sure she’s had a good meal like 2 hours before bed, if it’s earlier then I’ll offer some fruit, but she also prefers a colder room and when she’s warmer I have noticed she will have dreams/nightmares that cause her to wake, also she has second molars coming out so those have been bothering her from time to time, so I’ll use the baby teething ointments.

@Raquel I sadly don’t have a bunch of control over weekday bedtime schedule because I have a nanny that lets her sleep even if it is at 6p. I’m going to have to change that because she starts school in September and has to be there by 830. She may have to start waking up at 630 just to ensure a nap by 1230 but that seems so unkind.

My daughter doesn’t stay up when she wakes because we still nurse, so I nurse her back to sleep but there has been occasions where she has stayed up and I don’t turn the light on and I’ll sit with her on the sofa in the living room, but I don’t play with her or anything, I remind her it’s bed time and just wait it out, it’s terrible when it’s happened. I will add she had recently started sleeping through the night and a few months ago she was still waking 1-2x a night. So baby/toddler sleep is just different, they’re very aware so it can affect them differently, sometimes we just have to ride these waves and not create habits.

You are not alone - my 2/12 year old recently started this and too keep him from waking up the whole house I bring him in bed with us! I know this isn’t a fix so I’m going to buckle down tonight I would rather have a few nights of redirection and less sleep than create a bad habit

@Mona our room is really cold at night because my baby of 10 months has a helmet but I do put both of them in a zipper onesie and he has a thick cover … I start bed time at 10 or 11 I know it’s late and I give him food before bath time to make sure he goes to sleep with a full belly and then I give him a bottle after bath and put Music on for him to relax to go to sleep if I don’t do that he’ll climb out his playpen and want to play …. It takes a long time for him to sleep for like an hour or 2 then he goes to sleep I put rain sound to keep him asleep 😴 but he wakes up at 4 or 5 and stays up for hours and it’s killing me and wakes up my baby sometimes and then he goes back to sleep but I’m up with my 10 month old so you can see why I’m exhausted 😅 my 10 month old can sleep all 9 hours but my toddler no I I also put him in my bed sometimes so he can go back to sleep which I haven’t done in a while but that also doesn’t work 😭😭

@Valeria he might be hot. I’ll never forget the night last summer when I thought I was going to have to take my daughter to the ER at 1a because she woke up screaming. Turned out that one piece footless pj outfit was not my best decision. I had to drop the a/c to 64 and strip her to a diaper.

Is he napping late as well? Seems like he might be over tired, I know it seems weird but when miss our nap I can always guarantee my girl will wake up at least once, just too much cortisol in their little bodies, he may also be getting too warm, does he move a lot, they say feel the back of the neck for warmth, not the limbs, in the back of neck is warm then they’re ok, babies/toddlers high higher metabolic rates so they run warmer than we do, I have to freeze myself all winter so my baby can be comfortable because I’m always cold but she hates blankets, for summer she sleeps in a tshirt and shorts and the house is at 72, we have triple digits currently above 100 so going any lower will send our bill even higher.

I’m about to be in the same both, due with baby #2 late September, so totally understand getting our toddler to sleep better 🫶

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