
Hello! I just thought to introduce myself as I am new here. I am 5+2 (first pregnancy). I have been going through IVF treatment for a year now so I could not believe my eyes when I finally saw my positive. I am due end of March 2025. I would be happy to share this journey with you ladies 💖
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Great news congratulations on your pregnancy Julia xx

Congratulations!!! 🎉 May I ask how many IVF cycles it took to get your BFP?

@Kate hi Kate. One cycle and two transfers! My first fresh transfer failed and I had my BFP with the FET x

Congratulations 🥳 so happy for you 😃I’m also 5+2 with my first, through IVF too.

@Eunice that's amazing!!! 💖

Congratulations. I'm due 29th!

Thanks and Wow! Delighted for you!! X

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