
This isn’t kid related but for those of you with partners that snore heavily, how do you deal? My husband snores excessively, it’s nothing new. One of us usually ends up in the spare room because of this. I’m not a super heavy sleeper and also, my husband falls asleep almost immediately. Any suggestions for how we can stay in the same room without me not sleeping all night? Thanks in advance!
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Has he taken a sleep apnea test? If it's medically related, it will help both of you tremendously if he got a CPAP machine

Does it help if he rolls onto his side? Also, an ENT evaluation.

@Kait them cpap machines r loud too

My husband snores extremely loud and it startles my daughter frequently (she still sleeps in our room). He went to the doctor and got evaluated for sleep apnea (he has it). And it was also suggested that he use a nasal spray right before bed. The spray alone made a real difference.

@Mika They have ones now that just go in your nose, that aren't the full face mask, and the machines are practically silent.

@Kait my grandad has the nose one and that mf is loud😂

@Kait I second that. I can’t hear my husbands machine at all.

@Karyn Same here girl, it's rough. The spray helped my fiance for a little bit, but not enough it's awful 😩

@Kait ugh he refuses, I forget his reasoning but basically I do t think he wants it on his medical record 🙄 I truly don’t understand why it matters because it would help us both

@Linda no 😩 maybe for a few minutes then back to snoring

@Karyn I’m going to try to convince him to get checked out, he doesn’t want to

My husband sleeps on a ramp to keep him elevated and has to be on the right side. I did look up throat exercises. That might help a little. He can get his nasal passages checked. If nothing helps, I would have him get checked by a doctor or nose and throat specialist. Drinking beers makes him snore more. I can not sleep with a snoring sound. I would have to be in a different room.

If he's nervous about going to the doctor, the sleep apnea test is super easy. They just mail you a ring that you connect to an app and wear to bed for 2 nights. You mail it back and then your doctor calls. At least that's how it was for my fiance!

Also, sleep apnea is a symptom to something else. If could be: allergies, mold in the home, oral ties, bad tongue posture from childhood (Myofunctional Therapist can train the tongue to stay up), etc. If he doesn’t want to do the sleep study, which is a band aide anyway, would he be open to Myofunctional Therapy?

Check out The Breathe Institute for more resources and providers. Even seeing a new Dentist who is trained in airway could be a good start!

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I honestly just shake him until he repositions and stops snoring 😂 if it gets bad enough to where i can't sleep or if he keeps waking me up ill snap and get mad at him and sometimes that gets him to stop lmao 😂

My baby daddy snores and it doesn't bother me 🤷. Alot of my family members snore and so does he's. I guess im just used of ppl snoring lol.

Yess, we sleep in different rooms bc I just can’t. 🤦‍♀️

It's usually better if my husband is on his side rather than his back. He's going to see an ENT (again 😒) and then most likely a sleep study because the ENTs all say he's fine. Right now we're in different rooms because he keeps waking the baby.

I use this for my SO who snores! It works amazingly! I can’t hear anything and I just listen to sleep sounds!

@Candice ohh I might have to buy these!! Thanks!

Thank you all! Hopefully I can get him to go to the doctor!

I would always go to bed before my husband. Magnesium really helps me get solid sleep. If his snoring woke me I would push him snd he'd roll over. I'm getting more used to it but it wasn't easy at first

@Sami I just started taking magnesium here and there but I need to be more consistent. Thanks!

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